Have defined:
var ru_cryptopro_npcades_10_native_bridge = {
callbacksCount : 1,
callbacks : {},
resultForCallback : function resultForCallback(callbackId, resultArray) {
var callback = ru_cryptopro_npcades_10_native_bridge.callbacks[callbackId];
if (!callback) return;
callback.apply(null, resultArray);
call : function call(functionName, args, callback) {
var hasCallback = callback && typeof callback == "function";
var callbackId = hasCallback ? ru_cryptopro_npcades_10_native_bridge.callbacksCount++ : 0;
if (hasCallback) ru_cryptopro_npcades_10_native_bridge.callbacks[callbackId] = callback;
var iframe = document.createElement("IFRAME");
var arrObjs = new Array("_CPNP_handle");
try {
iframe.setAttribute("src", "cpnp-js-call:" + functionName + ":" + callbackId+ ":" + encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(args, arrObjs)));
catch(e) {
iframe = null;
Have got such warning: Warning 1 Expected identifier or string C:\Users\Administrator\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\WebAppSelf3\WebAppSelf3\js\CadesLoad.js 453 1 WebAppSelf3
Chrome parses that just fine, but I have a hunch whatever environment you have that is throwing this error doesn't like that trailing comma in your object literal.
Which may need to be:
Which again, is wierd, because this seem to work in at least some browsers: http://jsfiddle.net/Aa6yc/1/
Though it's definately not good form.