I have a one line textfield. (input type='text')
I don't have a textarea.
This textfield allows the user to enter small strings in a simple DSL. To give you an idea they look like this:
I was thinking to replace this textfield with codemirror
my questions are:
Well, there is a way to make a single-line editor using rich capabilities of CodeMirror. First, you'll have to add a full-featured CodeMirror object (use a textarea).
Assume you've got var cm = CodeMirror(...)
. (Use value: ""
Then do
cm.setSize(200, cm.defaultTextHeight() + 2 * 4);
// 200 is the preferable width of text field in pixels,
// 4 is default CM padding (which depends on the theme you're using)
// now disallow adding newlines in the following simple way
cm.on("beforeChange", function(instance, change) {
var newtext = change.text.join("").replace(/\n/g, ""); // remove ALL \n !
change.update(change.from, change.to, [newtext]);
return true;
// and then hide ugly horizontal scrollbar
cm.on("change", function(instance, change) {
$(".CodeMirror-hscrollbar").css('display', 'none');
// (!) this code is using jQuery and the selector is quite imperfect if
// you're using more than one CodeMirror on your page. you're free to
// change it appealing to your page structure.
// the following line fixes a bug I've encountered in CodeMirror 3.1
$(".CodeMirror-scroll").css('overflow', 'hidden');
// jQuery again! be careful with selector or move this to .css file
This works just fine for me.