I'm using Tomcat 7 on Eclipse Juno. I use workspace metadata as server location (Please see my tomcat configurations below).
Also I got a Server project in eclipse [please see the image below] with separate server.xml and other configuration files.
Normally it works fine. The issue came across after I changed the server.xml (in eclipse project) for SSL configurations.
Configurations are working fine. But each time I run the project (Run-->Run on Server) server.xml get modified to the default version. My customized SSL changes are missing.
Also I tried to change server.xml in tomcat installation location (C:\apache-tomcat-7.0.35\conf), but it didn't pick from eclipse.
Can anyone please help me on this?
I found an applicable solution but not a perfect one.
What I have done is;
1.Changed server.xml file in installation location (In my case C:\apache-tomcat-7.0.35\conf)
2.Remove tomcat server from eclipse server panel (please see the image below)
3.Create a new server in eclipse server panel.
4.Then Server project will be generated new server.xml with my customized changes.
5.The trick is, initially eclipse picks server.xml from installation location when create a new server in panel.