I have an observable array from which I need to remove one item and add another. If I just call .remove(myItem)
on the observable array and then push my new item onto it, Knockout will fire two change notifications for that array, but in this case I would rather see this as a single change, firing only one notification.
What I've done to accomplish this is that I take out the underlying array and keep it in a temporary variable, I then do the modifications to that temporary variable, and when I'm done I put the whole thing back into the observable array. Something like this (somewhat simplified from what I actually do):
vm.MyArray = ko.observableArray(["foo", "bar"]);
// Later when I need to alter the observable array, I do something like this
var temp = vm.MyArray();
temp.splice(0, 1);
Though this accomplish my goal, it doesn't feel like the right way of doing it.
Is there a more proper way to make multiple changes to an observable array, but only have a single notification fired?
The reason I don't want two notifications fired is because I subscribe to changes on the array, and make an AJAX-request to load new data whenever it changes. Because of this, I don't want to fire unnecessary notifications. I don't want notifications to be fired until I'm "done" editing the array.
To achieve such behavior you should work with unwrapped observable array and then call valueHasMutated
vm.MyArray = ko.observableArray(["foo", "bar"]);