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Perl telnet does not wait for the end of the previous command

Perl telnet does not wait for the end of the previous command. In the file infile.log I see the continuation of the command my @ config = $ telnet-> cmd ("sh run");, but the script is already beginning to run the command print ("Format configuration", $ _, "\ n");. As a result, I get an empty array @config.

foreach (@linksys_sps){
 print ("Connecting to ",$_,"\n");
 my $telnet = new Net::Telnet ( Timeout=>10,Errmode=>'return',Input_Log => "infile.log");
   if ($telnet->errmsg){
   print "Can't connect to " . $_ . " Error: " . $telnet->errmsg . "\n";
   } else {
 $telnet->max_buffer_length(5 * 1024 * 1024);
 $telnet->waitfor('/User Name:$/i');

 print ("Set Terminal Variable ",$_,"\n");
 $telnet->cmd("terminal datadump");

 print ("Create file ",$_,"\n");
 my $file = sprintf($folder."/".$_);
 print ("Create file ",$file,"\n");
 system "touch  $file";
 system "chown nobody $file";

 print ("Read configuration ",$_,"\n");
 my @config = $telnet->cmd("sh run");

 print ("Write configuration ",$_," to file ",$file,"\n");
 open my $fh, "> $file" or die "Can't open $file : $!";
  foreach (@config) {
    print $fh "$_"; # Print each entry in our array to the file
  close $fh;

 print ("Set Terminal Variable ",$_,"\n");
 $telnet->cmd("no terminal datadump");


How to fix it?


  • Due to the instability of the cmd(), I switched to using waitfor(String => $string). New script below:

    foreach (@linksys_sps){
     my $file = sprintf($folder."/".$_);
     print ("Create file ",$file,"\n");
     system "touch  $file";
     my $string = sprintf($_."#");
     print ("Prompt String is ",$string,"\n");
     print ("Connecting to ",$_,"\n");
     my $telnet = new Net::Telnet (
                                    Input_Log => "infile.log"
       if ($telnet->errmsg){
       print "Can't connect to " . $_ . " Error: " . $telnet->errmsg . "\n";
       } else {
     $telnet->waitfor('/User Name:$/i');
     $telnet->waitfor(String => $string );
     print ("Set Backup Terminal Variable ",$_,"\n");
     $telnet->print("terminal datadump");
     $telnet->waitfor(String => $string );
     print ("Read configuration ",$_,"\n");
     $telnet->print('sh run');
     my @config = $telnet->waitfor(String => $string );
     print ("Write configuration ",$_," to file ",$file,"\n");
     open my $fh, '>', $file or die "Cannot open file: $!";
     foreach my $config (@config) {
        print $fh "$config\n";
     close $fh;
     print ("Set Default Terminal Variable ",$_,"\n");
     $telnet->print('no terminal datadump');
     $telnet->waitfor(String => $string );