I'm trying to integrate an Adobe Edge animation on one page of an HTML5 publication I'm preparing using a proprietary publishing system. The system displays different HTML pages like pages in a magazine.
I'd like to start playing the animation when the page containing it appears. Instead of an onLoad event, the publishing system triggers an onScreen event when the page is displayed. I know how to set a callback for that event, but I need the callback to start the animation. Can anyone tell me how to do this?
I basically want to do the sort of thing we used to do with Flash, when we could send instructions to a SWF from a Javascript function in the HTML page that contains it.
Do I give the animation a name and then address it with something like document.animationName.play()?
This took me a while to figure out. The AdobeEdge object will give you access to the timeline and the symbols you need.
The getComposition()
function will let you access a specific composition. You pass it the name of your composition, which is in the properties panel and is usually a Edge generated ID like EDGE-344514744. You can rename it if you want to. Say you named it myAnim
gives you access to the stage and from there, you can use the methods like play()
, stop()
, etc. If you want to play a label you created in the timeline you've named "start" you could use this.