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Parallel tasks get better performances with boost::thread than with ppl or OpenMP

I have a C++ program which could be parallelized. I'm using Visual Studio 2010, 32bit compilation.

In short the structure of the program is the following

#define num_iterations 64 //some number

struct result
    //some stuff

result best_result=initial_bad_result;

for(i=0; i<many_times; i++)
    result *results[num_iterations];

    for(j=0; j<num_iterations; j++)

    // update best_result; 

Since each some_computations() is independent(some global variables read, but no global variables modified) I parallelized the inner for-loop.

My first attempt was with boost::thread,

 thread_group group;
 for(j=0; j<num_iterations; j++)
     group.create_thread(boost::bind(&some_computation, this, result+j));

The results were good, but I decided to try more.

I tried the OpenMP library

 #pragma omp parallel for
 for(j=0; j<num_iterations; j++)

The results were worse than the boost::thread's ones.

Then I tried the ppl library and used parallel_for():

 Concurrency::parallel_for(0,num_iterations, [=](int j) { 

The results were the worst.

I found this behaviour quite surprising. Since OpenMP and ppl are designed for the parallelization, I would have expected better results, than boost::thread. Am I wrong?

Why is boost::thread giving me better results?


  • OpenMP or PPL do no such thing as being pessimistic. They just do as they are told, however there's some things you should take into consideration when you do try to paralellize loops.

    Without seeing how you implemented these things, it's hard to say what the real cause may be.

    Also if the operations in each iteration have some dependency on any other iterations in the same loop, then this will create contention, which will slow things down. You haven't shown what your some_operation function actually does, so it's hard to tell if there is data dependencies.

    A loop that can be truly parallelized has to be able to have each iteration run totally independent of all other iterations, with no shared memory being accessed in any of the iterations. So preferably, you'd write stuff to local variables and then copy at the end.

    Not all loops can be parallelized, it is very dependent on the type of work being done.

    For example, something that is good for parallelizing is work being done on each pixel of a screen buffer. Each pixel is totally independent from all other pixels, and therefore, a thread can take one iteration of a loop and do the work without needing to be held up waiting for shared memory or data dependencies within the loop between iterations.

    Also, if you have a contiguous array, this array may be partly in a cache line, and if you are editing element 5 in thread A and then changing element 6 in thread B, you may get cache contention, which will also slow down things, as these would be residing in the same cache line. A phenomenon known as false sharing.

    There is many aspects to think about when doing loop parallelization.