I try to build an Erlang application release using Rebar.
I followed the tutorial from http://alancastro.org/2010/05/01/erlang-application-management-with-rebar.html.
I am working in a WindowsXP environment, using MINGW32 to support git, shell scripts, make, etc...
I got no problem to create the application, the node and the release; but when I want to start the application using the command
"myapp console"
it fails because it can't find the command erlexec.
I changed in the "myapp script" the $CMD variable from ".../erlexec" to ".../erl.exe" which is the full name of the VM program in windows and it works.
I would like to avoid to modify all the entries of all the scripts - there are a lot of scripts with multiple entry point and I fear it will be re-written when I will build a next release.
Is there a config file to modify, or am I missing a step during generation?
So simple...
Just launch the command from dos environment, and it works.
In addition I rebuilt the rebar script first, from dos, but I don't know if it was necessary.