I have created an app using javaCv and I'm trying to save an image in android using
cvSaveImage("/storage/sdcard0/watermarked/test.jpg", yCrCb);
where yCrCb is an IplImage.
There is no exception error and the program runs smoothly but the files are not saved into the path as mentioned above. I would like to ask what might be the possible problems ? is it the naming convention of the file name ?
If it helps, I have a java application counterpart of this app and the java version works fine when i use the line
cvSaveImage("C:\\testing123.jpg", yCrCb);
Hi I have used same thing for storing the image.
For getting the path to sdcard, I have used the Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().toString();
append the folder name to this path where you want to store the image
try this and also make sure that you have written permission in the xml file.