what I mean about that is that in C# for example I can write a generic method like this:
public static void Concatenate<T> (T arg1, T arg2)
Console.WriteLine(arg1.ToString() + arg2.ToString());
and then if I call the method in these different ways:
Concatenate("one", "two"); // will work just fine, outputs "onetwo"
Concatenate(1, 2); // will also work great, outputs 12
Concatenate("one", 2) // will give a compiler error
alternately I could call the method like this: Concatenate<string>("one", "two");
and be extra sure only strings get in...
now if I try the exact same thing in Java
public static <T> void concatenate(T arg1, T arg2) {
System.out.println(arg1.toString() + arg2.toString());
and call the method in the exact same way as in the c# example:
concatenate("one", "two"); // will work just fine, outputs "onetwo"
concatenate(1, 2); // will also work great, outputs 12
concatenate("one", 2) // will work fine and outputs "one2"
as far as I know I can't call the method like concatenate<String>("One", "Two");
as that will give me an error
is there any way I can add that sort of type safety I found in c#?
so I don't risk being able to just put any type in on either spot and only get a warning...
a better example would be using variable arguments
in C# I'd do:
public static void QuickSort<T>(params T[] args) // same as (T... args) in java
// code
and upon calling it I'd be sure only one kind of parameter got in by for example doing something like:
QuickSort<int>(5, 9, 7, 3, 2, 5, 4, 1);
whereas in java I'd be able to do this:
quickSort(5, "nine", 7, 3, "two", 5, 4, 1);
and get nothing but a warning from the IDE, whereas it'd give an error in c#
so my question is, is there any way I can "lock" the parameter type in java like I can in c#, a-la QuickSort<int>(args)
rather than quickSort(args)
as far as I know I can't call the method like
concatenate<String>("One", "Two")
as that will give me an error
Actually, you can, only the syntax is a bit different:
public class Main {
public static <T> void concatenate(T arg1, T arg2) {
System.out.println(arg1.toString() + arg2.toString());
public static void main(String[] args) {
Main.<String>concatenate("one", "two"); // will work just fine, outputs "onetwo"
Main.<Integer>concatenate(1, 2); // will also work great, outputs 12
Main.<String>concatenate("one", 2); // will fail at compile time
If concatenate()
were a non-static
method, the syntax would be obj.<String>concatenate(...)
As to your second example:
public class Main {
public static <T> void quickSort(T... args) {
public static void main(String[] args) {
quickSort(5, "nine", 7, 3, "two", 5, 4, 1); // warning
Main.<Integer>quickSort(5, "nine", 7, 3, "two", 5, 4, 1); // error
Here, Main.<Integer>quickSort(...)
fails with the following error:
The parameterized method quickSort(Integer...) of type Main is not applicable for the arguments (Integer, String, Integer, Integer, String, Integer, Integer, Integer)