I am trying to run jmol's jar inside a running java program. This is how I run it in the command line and it runs fine.
$ java -jar Jmol.jar 1644_____.pdb -o -J "measure 3 4;measure 1 2"
I am using a ProcessBuilder and it calls the jar file and the first argument correctly but not the rest. What am I missing?
import java.io.IOException;
class test{
public static void main(String [] ar) throws Exception{
public static void run() throws IOException, InterruptedException{
String INPUTPDB = "1644_____.pdb";
String args[] = {"java", "-jar", "Jmol.jar", INPUTPDB, "-o", "-J", "\"measure 3 4;measure1 2\""};
ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(args);
Process p = pb.start();
As I understand it, each parameter you pass to ProcessBuilder
will be passed to the process as a separate argument.
That means that when the process does an equivalent of args[x]
, your \"measure 3 4;measure1 2\"
parameter will look like "measure 3 4;measure1 2"
to the process (including the quotes).
Unless the command is expecting the quotes, there is no need to quote the parameters
Instead, try something like
String args[] = {"java", "-jar", "Jmol.jar", INPUTPDB, "-o", "-J", "measure 3 4;measure1 2"};