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Slick2D get image x and y

Ok, so i have a car that you can drive around in my game. It's basically an Image that drives around on a background, a and d turns it, w and s drives back and forth. But i want to make some borders on the screen edges so it doesnt just keep driving out into nothing, but to do that i think i have to get the x and y location of the Image. Does anyone know how to get this/know another way of making borders in Slick2D?

Thanks, Marco.

This is the GameplayState code:

package myprojects.main;

import org.newdawn.slick.GameContainer;
import org.newdawn.slick.Graphics;
import org.newdawn.slick.Image;
import org.newdawn.slick.Input;
import org.newdawn.slick.SlickException;
import org.newdawn.slick.Sound;
import org.newdawn.slick.state.BasicGameState;
import org.newdawn.slick.state.StateBasedGame;

public class GameplayState extends BasicGameState {

    int stateID = -1;
    Image imgBG = null;
    Image player = null;
    float scale = 1.0f;
    Sound ding = null;
    Sound gamemusic = null;
    int height;
    int width;
    private static int rightSide = 1200;
    private static int topSide = 800;
    float startGameScale = 1;
    float scaleStep = 0.001f;
    int[] duration = { 200, 200 };
    public Car car;
    // Animation car, driveUp, driveDown, driveRight, driveLeft;

    boolean hasWon;

    GameplayState(int stateID) {
        this.stateID = stateID;

    public int getID() {
        return stateID;

    public void init(GameContainer gc, StateBasedGame sbg)
            throws SlickException {
        imgBG = new Image("myprojects/main/resources/land.png");
        player = new Image("myprojects/main/resources/playercar.png");
        ding = new Sound("myprojects/main/resources/ding.wav");
        gamemusic = new Sound("myprojects/main/resources/gamemusic.wav");
        car = new Car(300,300);

         * Image[] carUp = {new Image("myprojects/main/resources/carUp.png"),
         * new Image("myprojects/main/resources/carUp.png")}; Image[] carDown =
         * {new Image("myprojects/main/resources/carDown.png"), new
         * Image("myprojects/main/resources/carDown.png")}; Image[] carRight =
         * {new Image("myprojects/main/resources/carRight.png"), new
         * Image("myprojects/main/resources/carRight.png")}; Image[] carLeft =
         * {new Image("myprojects/main/resources/carLeft.png"), new
         * Image("myprojects/main/resources/carLeft.png")};
         * driveUp = new Animation(carUp, duration, false); driveDown = new
         * Animation(carDown, duration, false); driveRight = new
         * Animation(carRight, duration, false); driveLeft = new
         * Animation(carLeft, duration, false); player = driveDown;


    public void render(GameContainer gc, StateBasedGame sbg, Graphics g)
            throws SlickException {
        imgBG.draw(0, 0);
        g.drawString("Pause Game", 1100, 775);
        g.drawImage(car.getImage(), car.getX(), car.getY());


    public void update(GameContainer gc, StateBasedGame sbg, int delta)
            throws SlickException {
        Input input = gc.getInput();
        // Check if outside left border
        if(car.x < 0) {
        // Check if outside top border
        if(car.y < 0) {
        // Check if outside right border
        if(car.x >= gc.getWidth() - car.getWidth()) {
            car.setX(gc.getWidth() - car.getWidth());
        // Check if outside bottom border
        if(car.y >= gc.getHeight() - car.getHeight()) {
            car.setY(gc.getHeight() - car.getHeight());

        int mouseX = input.getMouseX();
        int mouseY = input.getMouseY();
        boolean hasWon = false;

        if ((mouseX <= rightSide && mouseX >= rightSide - 100)
                && (mouseY <= topSide && mouseY >= topSide - 50)) {
            hasWon = true;
        if (hasWon) {
            if (input.isMouseButtonDown(Input.MOUSE_LEFT_BUTTON)) {
            } else {


        if (input.isKeyDown(Input.KEY_ESCAPE)) {

        if (input.isKeyDown(Input.KEY_A)) {
            car.rotate(-0.2f * delta);

        if (input.isKeyDown(Input.KEY_D)) {
            car.rotate(0.2f * delta);

        if (input.isKeyDown(Input.KEY_S)) {
            float hip = 0.4f * delta;

            float rotation = car.getRotation();

            car.x -= hip * Math.sin(Math.toRadians(rotation));
            car.y += hip * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(rotation));


        if (input.isKeyDown(Input.KEY_W)) {
            if (input.isKeyDown(Input.KEY_LSHIFT)) {
                float hip = 1.4f * delta;
                float rotation = car.getRotation();

                car.x += hip * Math.sin(Math.toRadians(rotation));
                car.y -= hip * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(rotation));
            } else {
                float hip = 0.4f * delta;
                float rotation = car.getRotation();

                car.x += hip * Math.sin(Math.toRadians(rotation));
                car.y -= hip * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(rotation));



Car code:

    package myprojects.main;

import org.newdawn.slick.Image;
import org.newdawn.slick.SlickException;

public class Car {
public int x;
public int y;
public Image image;

public Car(int x, int y) throws SlickException{
    this.x = x;
    this.y = y;
    image = new Image("myprojects/main/resources/playercar.png");


public org.newdawn.slick.Image getImage() {
    return image;

public int getX() {
    return x;

public void setX(int x) {
    this.x = x;

public void setY(int y) {
    this.y = y;

public int getWidth() {
    return 100;

public int getHeight() {
    return 100;

public int getY() {
    return y;


public void rotate(float f) {

public float getRotation() {
    return image.getRotation();


  • What I would do is create a Car class that has an Image. With this class, you can have ints that hold the x and y values representing the car's location, as well as the image of the car. Then, you just set the values or x and y and rotate the image like you are doing in your example, except for the Car object. You may do this already, I am not sure though without more code than just the input handler. To draw it, do something like this in your render:

    drawImage(car.getImage(), car.getX(), car.getY());

    As far as borders, assuming you just don't want your Car to go off screen, you can do something like this:

    // Check if outside left border
    if(car.getX() < 0) {
    // Check if outside top border
    if(car.getY() < 0) {
    // Check if outside right border
    if(car.getX() >= SCREEN_WIDTH - car.getWidth()) {
        car.setX(SCREEN_WIDTH - car.getWidth());
    // Check if outside bottom border
    if(car.getY() >= SCREEN_HEIGHT - car.getHeight()) {
        car.setY(SCREEN_HEIGHT - car.getHeight());

    In this context, get width and get height are getting the width and height of the image you use for the car, and SCREEN_HEIGHT and SCREEN_WIDTH are constants that hold the width and height of the screen. You may have to fine tune a bit depending on how your game works.

    public Class Car {
    private int x;
    private int y;
    private Image image;
    public Car(int x, int y) {
        this.x = x;
        this.y = y;
        image = new Image("location/car.png");
    public int getX() {
        return x;
    public void setX(int x) {
        this.x = x;
    public int getY() {
        return y;
    public void setY(int y) {
        this.y = y;