I would like to switch back and forth between the last two visited buffers (current one and previous one) and bind the command to M-b
(switch-to-buffer (other-buffer))
in theory should accomplish this, but adding the following code to my .emacs
has no effect.
(defun my-switch-to-other-buffer ()
"Switch to other buffer"
(switch-to-buffer (other-buffer)))
(global-set-key [M-b] 'my-switch-to-other-buffer)
Please suggest a fix to the code above or a better way to accomplish this task.
Your code looks pretty well and seems to work in my emacs session.
Are you sure about the [M-b]
If this is the problem you probably want to use the kbd
function instead to determinie the right way to spell the key combination.
(global-set-key (kbd "M-b") 'my-switch-to-other-buffer)
I always define my keybindings this way as I tend to forget how to correctly ?\C-#whatever get the name right.
Using kbd
it's extremely simple, as it accepts a string having the same syntax as that echoed by decribe-key
usually bound to C-h C-k
This way I just have to type C-h C-k
in case I don't know how the key is labeled and put the output of this command in my call to kbd
. Especially in cases where it doesn't seem to obvious how to get it right kbd
is extremely helpful it even works with more complex names (kbd "<backtab>")
and the like.