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Can't get an enumerator from a SortedList

I have this object :

class Animation
        private SortedList<int,Frame> frames = new SortedList<int,Frame>();
        private IDictionaryEnumerator frameEnumerator = null;


        public void someFunction() {
            frameEnumerator = frames.GetEnumerator(); //throw error



I check msn documentation there :, It look like my code is correct but VS say :

cannot convert System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerator>' to 'System.Collections.IDictionaryEnumerator'.


  • The IDictionaryEnumerator type is used for older non-generic collection types. In this case you have a strongly type collection and it will instead return IEnumerater<KeyValuePair<int, Frame>>. Use that type instead

    private IEnumerator<KeyValuePair<int, Frame>> frameEnumerator = null;

    Note: The enumerator type for SortedList<TKey, TValue> does indeed implement the IDictionaryEnumerator interface. If you really prefer that one you can access it with an explicit cast

    frameEnumerator = (IDictionaryEnumerator)frames.GetEnumerator();

    I would avoid this route though. It's better to use the strongly typed interfaces and avoid unnecessary casting in the code.