I am attempting to programmatically duplicate the following steps in X++
I've gotten as far as bring able to export entire AOT tree but I can't figure out a way to narrow it down to just the cus layer. Here is my current code sample ...
TreeNode treeNode;
FileIoPermission perm;
perm = new FileIoPermission(#ExportFile, #ExportMode);
if (perm == null)
treeNode = TreeNode::findNode(@"\");
if (treeNode != null)
// BP deviation documented.
I have a feeling that the solution lies within the "treeNodeExport" method. There is an "int _flags" property that I am not using. I've looked around but I'm not sure what value to populate the flags with? Has anyone attempted this kind of process duplication before? Am I heading down the right path?
Please have a look on the AOTExport
Then read this:
TreeNode rootNode = infolog.rootNode();
rootNode.treeNodeExport(@'c:\fullaot.xpo', #expKeepIds | #expLables | #expLayer);
I am not sure on how to specify the layers, but it is most likely just a logical OR on the flag argument.
If in doubt take a look on the SysElementExport
form and related classes.
Update: as expected the layer is specified in the bitmask.
In \Forms\SysExportDialog\Methods\getutilLayer
the mask is specified as:
return 1 << layer.selection();
So if you want to export the CUS layer you do:
rootNode.treeNodeExport(@'c:\fullaot.xpo', #export | #expLayer | (1 << (UtilEntryLevel::cus+1)));
There is room for 15 bits for layers as the next flag is: