I have tried to make a menu that collapses earlier expanded chioces but i cant make it work.
var currentId;
$(document).ready(function () {
progress: true
/* Slide Toogle */
$("ul.expmenu li > div.header").click(function () {
var arrow = $(this).find("span.arrow");
if (arrow.hasClass("up")) {
} else if (arrow.hasClass("down")) {
$('#' + currentId).parent().find("ul.menu").slideToggle();
currentId = $(this).attr('id');
You can find the homepage at this adress: http://admin.dq.se/kramers/nyamenyer.html
So if I press "BIL" i want "BIL" to expand .. and afterwards if i press "MC" i want BIL to collapse and MC to expand. Thanks for the help!
Slide up everything before sliding down
$("ul.expmenu li > div.header").click(function () {