I have a lot of reusable code in my project (Some GUIs, grids, etc.). Does Extjs 4 provide any functionality for handling reusable code? Example: Java has the functionality for libraries that can be imported into any project.
ExtJs offers a high level of reusability if you know its core well.
These various concepts come to mind:
One of the most powerful features of ExtJs is that everything is organised into a class hierarchy, so essentially the design philosophy is similar to that in JAVA or C++.
For instance, consider that your grids never show headers. You would write:
Ext.define('HeadlessGrid', {
extend: 'Ext.grid.Panel',
hideHeaders: true,
So HeadlessGrid
inherits from Ext.grid.Panel
and just modifies its hideHeaders
config. You can alter many other config of a component, but also its behaviour which is done by overriding its methods.
Sometimes, instead of subclassing Ext classes, you want the Ext classes themselves to change.
So something like this:
Ext.override( Ext.grid.Panel, {
hideHeaders: true,
Means that all grid component will not show headers by default.
The concept of 'library' can be achieved using namespaces. So to carry on with the previous example, you might have:
Ext.define('Ext.Juice.HeadlessGrid', {
extend: 'Ext.grid.Panel',
hideHeaders: true,
Now HeadlessGrid
belongs to the Ext.Juice
You can set your class loader like so:
Ext.Loader.setPath('Ext.Juice', '../../libs/Juice');
And now any classes under that folder are reusable by any application you write.
Plugins allow you to extend (visible) component by means of composition instead of inheritance. So adding this plugin to any grid will hide the headers:
Ext.define("Ext.plugin.Decapitator", {
extend : "Ext.AbstractPlugin",
alias : "plugin.decapitator",
init : function( aPanel ) {
aPanel.hideHeaders = true;
Mixins allow you to mix classes together, very much like multiple inheritance.
The following code (from the docs) mixes the CanSing
class with a Musician
Ext.define('CanSing', {
sing: function() {
alert("I'm on the highway to hell...")
Ext.define('Musician', {
mixins: ['CanSing']