#include <iostream>
class SomeStructure
int mMemberOne;
float mMemberTwo;
char MemberFunction()
int test = 0;
int main()
SomeStructure abc;
Any other autocompletion works in this file except when I'm trying to autocomplete this->
. I get no suggestions. Running semantic-analyze-debug-assist
gives me this:
Unable to find symbol this. The prefix lookup code threw the following error: (error "Cannot find definition for \"this\"") To debug this error you can do this: M-x toggle-debug-on-error RET [ Do It ] and then re-run the debug analyzer.
M-x bovinate
gives me:
(("iostream" include (:system-flag t) (unlink-hook (semantic--tag-unlink-secondary-overlays) secondary-overlays (#<overlay from 1 to 20 in junk.cpp>) dependency-file "c:/Program Files (x86)/Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0/VC/include/iostream" link-hook (semantic--tag-link-secondary-overlays) unlink-copy-hook (semantic--tag-unlink-copy-secondary-overlays) :filename "d:/project/client/junk.cpp") #<overlay from 1 to 20 in junk.cpp>) ("SomeStructure" type (:members (("mMemberOne" variable
(:type "int")
(reparse-symbol classsubparts)
#<overlay from 46 to 61 in junk.cpp>)
("mMemberTwo" variable
(:type "float")
(reparse-symbol classsubparts)
#<overlay from 64 to 81 in junk.cpp>)
("MemberFunction" function
(:type "char")
reparse-symbol classsubparts secondary-overlays
(#<overlay from 85 to 107 in junk.cpp>)
#<overlay from 85 to 165 in junk.cpp>)) :type "class") (unlink-copy-hook (semantic--tag-unlink-copy-secondary-overlays) link-hook (semantic--tag-link-secondary-overlays) secondary-overlays (#<overlay from 22 to 42 in junk.cpp>) unlink-hook (semantic--tag-unlink-secondary-overlays)) #<overlay from 22 to 168 in junk.cpp>) ("main" function (:type "int") (unlink-copy-hook (semantic--tag-unlink-copy-secondary-overlays) link-hook (semantic--tag-link-secondary-overlays) secondary-overlays (#<overlay from 172 to 183 in junk.cpp>) unlink-hook (semantic--tag-unlink-secondary-overlays)) #<overlay from 172 to 250 in junk.cpp>))
So it looks like the SomeStructure
structure is parsed correctly. It just looks like semantic has some kind of problem with this
Also I followed the error's suggestion of re-running with toggle-debug-on-error
enabled, however even with that enabled the debugger doesn't appear to break on error.
Using the latest version of emacs (24) and cedet (trunk).
I can't believe I'm the only one having this problem, it must be something I'm doing wrong...
I have corresponded with one of the maintainers (David Engster), and he was very responsive to provide a fix for this. The fix can be found in the CEDET's bzr repository as of revision 8490