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Autocompletion for ZF2 view helpers in PhpStorm

Does anyone know if PHPStorm has some builtin support for view helper autocompletion or a possibility to write a plugin for it. I don't want to use inline var definitions for this as this would be cumbersome to do if I use a lot of view helpers

$this->inlineScript()-> //I want some autocomplete here.

$this->translate('some translation')-> //Please give me autocompletion

If I use var definitions it will end up as something like this, but it will really clutter up my view:

/* @var $inlineScript \Zend\View\Helper\InlineScript */
$inlineScript = $this->inlineScript();
$inlineScript-> //Now I have autocompletion goodness

/* @var $translate \Zend\I18n\View\Helper\Translate */
$translate = $this->translate();
$translate('some translation')-> //Now I have autocompletion goodness


  • NOTE I'm posting my method discussed in the comments as answer.

    To typehint non-existing methods, the syntax is as following:

     * @method \Zend\Mvc\Controller\Plugin\Url url(string $route = null, array $params = null)
    class MyClass

    This allows us to use have a type-hint for method url on any variable recognized as MyClass:

    /* @var $a \MyClass */
    $a->// typehint!

    You need such a "fake" class and then start your view scripts with:

    /* @var $this \MyFakeClass */

    That will give you type-hints on $this within your view script. You could ideally open a pull request against with something similar to