While coding a computation-heavy application, I tried to make use of the SwingWorker class to spread the load to multiple CPU cores. However, behaviour of this class proved to be somewhat strange: only one core seemed to be utilized.
When searching the internet, I found an excellent answer on this web (see Swingworker instances not running concurrently, answer by user268396) which -- in addition to the cause of the problem -- also mentions a possible solution:
What you can do to get around this is use an ExecutorService and post FutureTasks on it. These will provide 99% of the SwingWorker API (SwingWorker is a FutureTask derivative), all you have to do is set up your Executor properly.
Being a Java beginner, I am not entirely sure how to do this properly. Not only that I need to pass some initial data to the FutureTask objects, I also need to get the results back similarly as with SwingWorker. Any example code would therefore be much appreciated.
==================== EDIT ====================
After implementing the simple yet elegant solution mentioned in FutureTask that implements Callable, another issue has come up. If I use an ExecutorService
to create individual threads, how do I execute specific code after a thread finished running?
I tried to override done() of the FutureTask
object (see the code below) but I guess that the "show results" bit (or any GUI related stuff for that matter) should be done in the application's event dispatch thread (EDT). Therefore: how do I submit the runnable to the EDT?
package multicoretest;
import java.util.concurrent.*;
public class MultiCoreTest {
static int coresToBeUsed = 4;
static Future[] futures = new Future[coresToBeUsed];
public static void main(String[] args) {
ExecutorService execSvc = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(coresToBeUsed);
for (int i = 0; i < coresToBeUsed; i++) {
futures[i] = execSvc.submit(new Worker(i));
// I do not want to block the thread (so that users can
// e.g. terminate the computation via GUI)
//execSvc.awaitTermination(Long.MAX_VALUE, TimeUnit.DAYS);
static class Worker implements Callable<String> {
private final FutureTask<String> futureTask;
private final int workerIdx;
public Worker(int idx) {
workerIdx = idx;
futureTask = new FutureTask<String>(this) {
protected void done() {
Runnable r = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
r.run(); // Does not work => how do I submit the runnable
// to the application's event dispatch thread?
public String call() throws Exception {
String s = "";
for (int i = 0; i < 2e4; i++) {
s += String.valueOf(i) + " ";
return s;
final String get() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException {
return futureTask.get();
void showResults(int idx) {
try {
System.out.println("Worker " + idx + ":" +
} catch (Exception e) {
A couple of points:
method, use SwingUtilities.invokeLater()
with the code to update the ui.Note, you can still use SwingWorker
, just, instead of calling execute()
, submit the SwingWorker to your Executor instead.
if you need to process all results together when all threads are done before updating the gui, then i would suggest:
with the final results