Tested some js code in Chrome Dev Console and I'm a bit confused.
I know that in strict mode functions that are not methods of an object when referred to this keyword should receive undefined instead of global object.
function test(){
"use strict";
return this===undefined;}
Outputs false.
"use strict";
function test(){
return this===undefined;}
Still false.
(function test(){
"use strict";
return this===undefined;}());
Outputs true.
Just wanted to clarify. ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ I'm new to js.
It is a bug in the Chromium Developer Console that causes this
to still refer to the global object. The same code works as specified with javascript:
in the location bar, and in documents.
You can test that like so (2 console inputs):
var global = (function () { return this; }());
"use strict";
function test () { return this === global; }
and (one or more console inputs)
var script = document.createElement("script");
script.type = "text/javascript";
'function test () { "use strict"; return this === undefined; }; console.log(test());'
Tested in Chromium Version 25.0.1364.97 Debian 7.0 (183676).