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The simplest code hacking

I have the following code:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

void main()

    std::string str;

    if(str == "TheCorrectSerialNumber")
        std::cout<<"Hello world!!!"<<std::endl;

I need a decompilation or disassemblering tool which can help me by doing below listed steps find the "TheCorrectSerialNumber". So the steps are:

  1. decompile or diassembler the executable of my code
  2. run the exe and type not the Correct Serial but something like “AAA”
  3. find my “AAA” with what string is being compared and finally find out the "TheCorrectSerialNumber".

Please provide me also with directions how your suggested tool is doing above listed steps.

Thanks a lot!!!

NOTE: For those who tend to think that I want to crack someone’s code! First look ant my questions that I've asked just before and just after this question. I am a programmer and I need to concern about my codes security. Thus I have decided to crack my codes and to do some exercises on the other codes (on the sites that teach cracking there are a bunch of softs that are designed to be cracked) to understand how to deliver a secure code. If you know how people do cracking you probably will create more secure code that someone who doesn't know. And if you what to study how to crack you have to try. That is my point!


  • It is very easy to do with disassembling. You need HIEW and W32DASM tools or OllyDbg (for example). Just look at some examples of using this tools in youtube (cracking).

    Very helpful sites!!!!