I'm using the Enterprise Architect 10.0.1006 to create "Platform Specific Models" (PSM) from an "Platform Independent Model" (PIM). The PIM is an common codel which declares datatypes with a generic description. You can transform this common model to a specific Model (Java, C++, Php and so on).
But to do so, I have to open the project and perform the "Transform Current Package" Tab on every package I want to transform.
It works well but I want to know, if it's possible to write an automatic script in C# to perform this Task. There is a COM to change nearly everything in your projectbrowser. I can access every diagram, element or package through this COM. But I didn't find any method to transform the model.
My Question is: Can I execute this tranfsormation with an automated script using C#?
Yes. Look at the Object Model API, Project::TransformPackage().