I am trying to acquire a cryption method from an executable file. I have unpacked and started to analyze with IDA Pro.
I have encountered with a code that I couldn't able to understand in any way. Following is asm code block.
___:00A11B6F 008 mov eax, [ebp+DecryptedBytes]
___:00A11B72 008 push eax
___:00A11B73 00C push 100h
___:00A11B78 010 push offset CI_StrCmp
___:00A11B7D 014 mov ecx, [ebp+LengthValueOfBytes]
___:00A11B80 014 push ecx
___:00A11B81 018 mov edx, [ebp+Bytes]
___:00A11B84 018 add edx, 4
___:00A11B87 018 push edx
___:00A11B88 01C call rijndaelDecrypt
And pseudocode of this is:
*(_DWORD *)DecryptResult = rijndaelDecrypt(Bytes + 4, LengthValueOfBytes, (int)CI_StrCmp, 0x100u, DecryptedBytes);
CI_StrCmp is a case insensitive string comparer function. rijndaelDecrypt function reads 16 bytes of this argument. I think it is a key.
Following is rijndaelDecrypt function.
void *__cdecl rijndaelDecrypt(int Bytes, unsigned int Length, int Key, unsigned int BitSize, int a5)
void *DecryptedBytes; // ebx@1
void *result; // eax@5
unsigned int v7; // [sp+Ch] [bp-118h]@2
unsigned int v8; // [sp+10h] [bp-114h]@2
unsigned int v9; // [sp+14h] [bp-110h]@2
unsigned int v10; // [sp+18h] [bp-10Ch]@2
char v11; // [sp+1Ch] [bp-108h]@1
DecryptedBytes = malloc_2(Length);
memset(&v11, 0, 0x108u);
if ( (signed int)BitSize >= 16 )
v7 = *(_DWORD *)Key;
v8 = *(_DWORD *)(Key + 4);
v9 = *(_DWORD *)(Key + 8);
v10 = *(_DWORD *)(Key + 12);
v7 = 0x12121212u;
v8 = 0x12121212u;
v9 = 0x12121212u;
v10 = 0x12121212u;
memcpy(&v7, (const void *)Key, BitSize);
if ( rijndaelSetupDecrypt((int)&v7, 16, (int)&v11) == 1 )
sub_A125B0(Bytes, Length, DecryptedBytes, (int)&v11, a5);
result = DecryptedBytes;
result = 0;
return result;
My question is what the meaning of sending offset of a procedure to another one is. It makes no sense to me.
p.s. Sorry for my bad English.
Ok I get it... They using the actual code for CL_StrCmp
(1) as the key(2) to do the decryption.
Code is covered by copyright, so in-order for you decrypt the data in your own program, you must include their code for CL_StrCmp
, thus you are infringing on their copyright - IE breaking the law.
(1) The actual compiled instructions for the functions.
(2) Think public\private key.