For the past couple hours I've been trying to update a GitHub Gist via their API to no avail. I can easily POST to and create a new Gist, but I can't ever get a PATCH to to work. How do I update Gists via their API? Am I missing some important detail?
Here's a JSFiddle of my present predicament:
The code itself:
var Gist = Backbone.Model.extend({
urlRoot: '',
defaults: {
description: 'A terse gist',
'public': true,
files: {
'html.html': {
content: 'test'
'css.css': {
content: 'test'
'js.js': {
content: 'test'
var my_gist = new Gist; my_gist.toJSON(), {
success: function(){
$('body').append('successfully created gist');{ description: '<div>A less terse gist</div>' }, {
patch: true,
success: function(){
$('body').append('<div>successfully updated gist</div>');
error: function( model, xhr, options ){
$('body').append('<div><b>error updating gist</b></div>');
$('body').append( JSON.stringify( xhr ) );
Relevant documentation:
Looks like this is a simple case of poor documentation. It seems you're not able to edit or delete anonymous Gists, despite having the ID provided to you.