I am trying to display ASP.net MVC client-side validation error messages in the form of qTips by changing the onError
function in jquery.validation.unobstrusive.js
similar to how it is done here.
function onError(error, inputElement) { // 'this' is the form element
var container = $(this).find("[data-valmsg-for='" + inputElement[0].name + "']"),
replace = $.parseJSON(container.attr("data-valmsg-replace")) !== false;
// Remove the following line so the default validation messages are not displayed
// container.removeClass("field-validation-valid").addClass("field-validation-error");
error.data("unobtrusiveContainer", container);
if (replace) {
else {
/**** Added code to display the error message in a qTip tooltip ****/
// Set positioning based on the elements position in the form
var elem = $(inputElement),
corners = ['left center', 'right center'],
flipIt = elem.parents('span.right').length > 0;
// Check we have a valid error message
if (!error.is(':empty')) {
// Apply the tooltip only if it isn't valid
overwrite: false,
content: error,
position: {
my: corners[flipIt ? 0 : 1],
at: corners[flipIt ? 1 : 0],
viewport: $(window)
show: {
event: false,
ready: true
hide: false,
style: {
classes: 'qtip-red' // Make it red... the classic error colour!
// If we have a tooltip on this element already, just update its content
.qtip('option', 'content.text', error);
// If the error is empty, remove the qTip
else { elem.qtip('destroy'); }
My model:
public class Model
[Range(typeof(decimal), "0", "79228162514264337593543950335")]
public decimal Amount { get; set; }
// bunch of other properties
Everything works fine and the errors (e.g. The Amount field is required) are displayed in qTips. However when I change my input to a valid value, the qTip does not disappear. Here are the exact steps:
fieldFrom Chrome Developers Tool, I pinpointed the problem to this line of code: if (!error.is(':empty')
. This condition returns true even if a valid input is provided.
The error
[<span for="Amount" class></span>]
I wonder why the above condition returns true even though the span
is empty? I want the qTip to close automatically when the input becomes valid.
It turns out to be a qTip2 bug. I updated my build and everything works fine.