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How @Target(ElementType.ANNOTATION_TYPE) works

Java annotations are marked with a @Target annotation to declare possible joinpoints which can be decorated by that annotation. Values TYPE, FIELD, METHOD, etc. of the ElementType enum are clear and simply understandable.


WHY to use @Target(ANNOTATION_TYPE) value? What are the annotated annotations good for? What is their contribution? Give me an explanation of an idea how it works and why I should use it. Some already existing and well-known example of its usage would be great too.


  • You can use an annotated annotation to create a meta-annotation, for example consider this usage of @Transactional in Spring:

     * Shortcut and more descriptive "alias" for {@code @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.MANDATORY)}.
    @Target({ElementType.METHOD, ElementType.TYPE})
    @Transactional(propagation = Propagation.MANDATORY)
    public @interface RequiresExistingTransaction {

    When you enable Spring to process the @Transactional annotation, it will look for classes and methods that carry @Transactional or any meta-annotation of it (an annotation that is annotated with @Transactional).

    Anyway this was just one concrete example how one can make use of an annotated annotation. I guess it's mostly frameworks like Spring where it makes sense to use them.