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AS3 Date not serializing to Java Date using BlazeDS

When I pass a Actionscript Value Object that contains a Date variable using BlazeDS it is not getting transferring as a java.util.Date object correctly. When the setBaseDatefunction gets called on the Java side the baseDate value is NULL. The weird thing is if I rename the variable on the Java side to private Date date; and create a public void setDate( Date date) function it works. The problem is I need to pass 2 different dates so I can't uses this work around.

Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong?

Here are my 2 classes:


package com.shua.flex.valueobjects

 public class myVO

  public var label:String;

  public var endDate:Date;

  public var baseDate:Date;

  public function myVO()



package com.shua.valueObjects;

import java.util.Date;

public class myVO{

 public static String NAME = "myVO";

 private String label;

 private Date endDate;

 private Date baseDate;

 public void setLabel(String label) {
  this.label = label;

 public String getLabel() {
  return label;

 public void setEndDate(Date endDate) {
  this.endDate= endDate;

 public Date getEndDate() {
  return this.endDate;

 public void setBaseDate( Date baseDate ){

  this.baseDate = baseDate;

 public Date getBaseDate(){

  return this.baseDate;



  • The problem was the static string in the java object. I guess the classes need to match exactly for the serialization to automatically work. So just removing the static name fixes the issue.