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jinterop Win32_Process Create

I am trying to achieve the following wmic command using j-interop.

wmic /NODE: /USER:Test /PASSWORD:password123 process call create "calc.exe"

I have my code written like this in my method. I have two other methods that create a session and connect to the WMI service so that part is taken care of.

public void wmiExecute() throws JIException {

    // Obtain Win32_Process and narrow it as IJIDispatch
    Object[] params = new Object[] {
        new JIString("Win32_Process"),
        new Integer(0),
    JIVariant[] servicesSet = this._wbemServices.callMethodA("InstancesOf", params);
    IJIDispatch wbemObjectSet = (IJIDispatch) JIObjectFactory.narrowObject(servicesSet[0].getObjectAsComObject());

    params = new Object[] {
             new Integer(0),
    wbemObjectSet.callMethodA("Create", params);

I kept getting an Exception of

Caught Throwable: org.jinterop.dcom.common.JIException: Unknown name. [0x80020006]
org.jinterop.dcom.common.JIException: Unknown name. [0x80020006]

Any idea what could be wrong? Thanks in advance!


  • Here's the solution...

    You shouldn't use InstanceOf to obtain Win32_Process because you will be just getting a list of currently running processes. Instead you should use "Get" to obtain the default Win32_Process.

    public void wmiExecute() throws JIException {
        // Obtain Win32_Process and narrow it as IJIDispatch
        Object[] params = new Object[] {
            new JIString("Win32_Process"),
        // Obtain the default Win32_Process
        JIVariant[] service = this._wbemServices.callMethodA("Get", params);
        // Convert it to a IJIDispatch object
        IJIDispatch wbemObject = (IJIDispatch) JIObjectFactory.narrowObject(service[0].getObjectAsComObject());
        // Create input params
        Object[] paramsCalc = new Object[] {
                 new JIString("calc.exe"),
        // Create the calculator process
        JIVariant[] results = wbemObject.callMethodA("Create", paramsCalc);