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Cross-process read-write synchronization primitive in .NET?

Is there a read/write locking mechanism that works across processes (similar to Mutex, but read/write instead exclusive locking)? I would like to allow concurrent read access, but exclusive write access.


  • No. As Richard noted above, there is no such out of the box mechanism in .NET. This is how to implement it using a mutex and a semaphore.

    Method #1 is described in, quoting:

    // create or open global mutex
    GlobalMutex mutex = new GlobalMutex("IdOfProtectedResource.Mutex");
    // create or open global semaphore
    int MoreThanMaxNumberOfReadersEver = 100;
    GlobalSemaphore semaphore = new GlobalSemaphore("IdOfProtectedResource.Semaphore", MoreThanMaxNumberOfReadersEver);
    public void AcquireReadLock()
    public void ReleaseReadLock()
    public void AcquireWriteLock()
      for (int i = 0; i < MoreThanMaxNumberOfReadersEver; i++)
        semaphore.Acquire(); // drain out all readers-in-progress
    public void ReleaseWriteLock()
      for (int i = 0; i < MoreThanMaxNumberOfReadersEver; i++)

    An alternative would be:

    Read locking - as above. Write locking as follows (pseudocode):

    - Lock mutex
    - Busy loop until the samaphore is not taken AT ALL:
    -- wait, release.
    -- Release returns value; 
    -- if value N-1 then break loop.
    -- yield (give up CPU cycle) by using Sleep(1) or alternative
    - Do write
    - Release mutex

    It must be noted that more efficient approach is possible, as here: Look for the words "This solution is suboptimal" in the article above.