I'm trying to edit an old perl script and I'm a complete beginner. The request from the server returns as:
$VAR1 = [
'keywords' => [
'bare knuckle boxing',
'support group',
'dual identity',
'rage and hate',
'underground fighting'
How can I parse this JSON string to grab:
$keywords = "bare knuckle boxing,support group,dual identity,nihilism,support,rage and hate,insomnia,boxing,underground fighting"
Full perl code
use LWP::Simple; # From CPAN
use JSON qw( decode_json ); # From CPAN
use Data::Dumper; # Perl core module
use strict; # Good practice
use warnings; # Good practice
use WWW::TheMovieDB::Search;
use utf8::all;
use Encode;
use JSON::Parse 'json_to_perl';
use JSON::Any;
use JSON;
my $api = new WWW::TheMovieDB::Search('APIKEY');
my $img = $api->type('json');
$img = $api->Movie_imdbLookup('tt0137523');
my $decoded_json = decode_json( encode("utf8", $img) );
print Dumper $decoded_json;
Based on comments and on your recent edit, I would say that what you are asking is how to navigate a perl data structure, contained in the variable $decoded_json
my $keywords = join ",", @{ $decoded_json->[0]{'keywords'} };