I want to use the PostgreSQL uuid type for objects' primary keys. For that I've created a converter (implementing the Converter interface). Bellow is the relevant code:
public void initialize(DatabaseMapping mapping, Session session) {
final DatabaseField field;
if (mapping instanceof DirectCollectionMapping) {
field = ((DirectCollectionMapping) mapping).getDirectField();
} else {
field = mapping.getField();
Then I've annotated the relevant entity X with the bellow annotations:
public UUID getId()
return id;
The problem is that I have another class (Y) which has the following definition:
@ManyToOne(targetEntity = X.class)
@JoinColumn(name = "x_id")
public X getX();
Although EclipseLink created the tables as expected it sends a string to the database when trying to insert objects of type Y. Postgres returns the following error message:
column "id" is of type uuid but expression is of type character varying at character
Any solutions / work around will be appreciated.
I had the same issue with EclipseLink JPA + Postgresql + UUID as primary key.
To solve it, I've merged codes from Github and below link: https://forums.oracle.com/forums/thread.jspa?messageID=4584157
The below code for UUIDConverter worked for me, though the code surely isn't the best.
public void initialize(DatabaseMapping ARGMapping, Session ARGSession)
final DatabaseField Field;
if (ARGMapping instanceof DirectCollectionMapping)
Field = ((DirectCollectionMapping) ARGMapping).getDirectField();
Field = ARGMapping.getField();
for (DatabaseMapping m : ARGMapping.getDescriptor().getMappings())
assert OneToOneMapping.class.isAssignableFrom(ManyToOneMapping.class);
if (m instanceof OneToOneMapping)
for (DatabaseField field : ((OneToOneMapping) m).getForeignKeyFields())