I'm having a problem that I've been trying to solve for days now, but without luck!
On my Windows Forms Application I have a grid. One column contains an email address. When the user double clicks this column, I want to open a new E-Mail Window via Outlook automation. This window should have the focus and allow the user to type immediately.
Everything works fine, when:
However, when I run my .exe and outlook has the focus when I double click the column, the following happens:
I was able to reproduce the problem with a simple form that has a textbox on it.
I use the following code:
private void textBox1_MouseDoubleClick(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
private void OpenOutlookMail(string to)
MailItem item = OutlookApp.CreateItem(OlItemType.olMailItem) as MailItem;
item.To = to;
item.Subject = string.Empty;
item.Body = string.Empty;
protected Application OutlookApp
if (mOutlookApp == null)
mOutlookApp = new Application();
return mOutlookApp;
What i already tried was to
Any help would be appreciated!
I wrote about focusing a background window some time ago:
private void label1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
// mainform.BringToFront(); // doesn't work
BeginInvoke(new VoidHandler(OtherFormToFront));
delegate void VoidHandler();
private void OtherFormToFront()
mainform.BringToFront(); // works
If you do have an handle of the bad window, give that a try.