The Problem: I send one value into a UART and nulls emerge on the other UART.
--- Details ---
These are both PIC processors (PIC24 and PIC32)
They are both hard wired onto a printed circuit board.
They are communicating, each via one of the UART modules which reside within them.
They are (ostensibly; according to docs) both configured for 115200 bps, 8-N-1
No handshaking, no CTS enabled, no RTS enabled; I'm just putting bytes on the wire and out they go.
(These are short little 4-byte commands and responses which fits pretty neatly)
The PIC32 is going 80 MHz.
The PIC24 has F[cy] = 14745600
i.e., it is going 14.7456 MHz
The PIC24 sends four bytes (a specific command sequence)
When I set a breakpoint at the Interrupt Service Routine for the UART, The PIC32 shows nulls, then I am seeing repeated hits on the (PIC32 code) breakpoint after the first four, and I continue to see nulls (which makes sense since the PIC24 is not sending anything)
i.e., the UART appears to be repeatedly generating interrupts when there is no reason
I did not write the code on the PIC32 side, and I am learning daily how it works.
Then I let the code just run, and I inevitably wind up on a line that says
52570 1D01_335C 9D01_335C _general_execption_handler sdbbp 0x0
When I get there,
This happened like clockwork, so I got suspicious of the __ISR that would not stop. MpLab showed me this...
433: //*********************************************************//
434: void __ISR(_UART1_VECTOR, ipl5) IntUart1Handler(void) //MCU communication port
435: {
9D00F204 415DE800 rdpgpr sp,sp
9D00F208 401A7000 mfc0 k0,EPC
9D00F20C 401B6000 mfc0 k1,Status
9D00F210 27BDFF88 addiu sp,sp,-120
9D00F214 AFBA0074 sw k0,116(sp)
9D00F218 AFBB0070 sw k1,112(sp)
9D00F21C 7C1B7844 ins k1,zero,1,15
9D00F220 377B1400 ori k1,k1,0x1400
9D00F224 409B6000 mtc0 k1,Status
9D00F228 AFBF0064 sw ra,100(sp) ;<<<-------EPC register always points here
9D00F22C AFBE0060 sw s8,96(sp)
9D00F230 AFB9005C sw t9,92(sp)
9D00F234 AFB80058 sw t8,88(sp)
9D00F238 AFAF0054 sw t7,84(sp)
9D00F23C AFAE0050 sw t6,80(sp)
9D00F240 AFAD004C sw t5,76(sp)
9D00F244 AFAC0048 sw t4,72(sp)
9D00F248 AFAB0044 sw t3,68(sp)
9D00F24C AFAA0040 sw t2,64(sp)
9D00F250 AFA9003C sw t1,60(sp)
9D00F254 AFA80038 sw t0,56(sp)
9D00F258 AFA70034 sw a3,52(sp)
9D00F25C AFA60030 sw a2,48(sp)
9D00F260 AFA5002C sw a1,44(sp)
9D00F264 AFA40028 sw a0,40(sp)
9D00F268 AFA30024 sw v1,36(sp)
9D00F26C AFA20020 sw v0,32(sp)
9D00F270 AFA1001C sw at,28(sp)
9D00F274 00001012 mflo v0
9D00F278 AFA2006C sw v0,108(sp)
9D00F27C 00001810 mfhi v1
9D00F280 AFA30068 sw v1,104(sp)
9D00F284 03A0F021 addu s8,sp,zero
I look a little more closely at the numbers, and I see that at that time, if we add 100 (0x64) to FFA0 (the bottom 16 bits of the SP) we get 0x10004, which I am guessing is 4 too much.
PIC Manual DS61143E-page 50 says that that nomenclature means, SW Store Word Mem[Rs+offset> = Rt
and other experts have told me that the cause register is telling me that the EXCCODE bits are 7 which is the code for a bus exception on load or store.
Or, I'm totally guessing here (would love to get some experts' knowledge on this) something is not clearing something and I'm encountering infinite recursion on an int handler.
All of this is starting to make sense.
Could someone please suggest the most common reasons for an int like this to be repeatedly hitting me ?
Does anyone see any common relationship between the bogus nuls coming from the UART which could somehow be connected with this endlessly generated int ? Am I even on the right track ?
In your answer, please tell me how to acknowledge the Int from the UART. I know how I do that in the PIC24 (I wrote that code totally, in ASM) but I don't know how this is done in in C on the PIC32. Assembly will be fine. I'll inline it. I'm working with code I didn't write here, and I thank you for your answers
What is the most common reason that the UART (#1, in this case) would be repeatedly generating interrupts ?
There were the three root causes which were in place...
Here's the not-so-obvious way they were causing the problem
was acting as ipl5
agentMake sure these two lines of code agree with each other...
The IPL line in the init code, wrong way then the right way
//IPC6bits.U1IP=6; //// Wrong !!! Uart 1 IPL should not be 6 !!!
IPC6bits.U1IP=5; //// Uart 1 IPL = 5 Correct way; matches __ISR:
Interrupt Service Routine
void __ISR(_UART1_VECTOR, ipl5) IntUart1Handler(void) //// Operating as IPL 5