I cannot understand what the question means in a regular expression in flex. For example, in my notes it says:
[ a-z ]? corresponds to 0 or 1 repetition (used for optional parts).
and another example says:
-?[1-9][ 0-9 ]∗ corresponds to any nonzero integer.
I do not understand why these regular expressions correspond to their explanations. Can somebody explain these two?
The ?
isn't specific to flex it is a part of most regular expression engines. It basically means that whatever comes before the ?
is optional, so it doesn't actually have to be there.
Specifically it means "Zero or one of the preceding element".
Nov(ember)? // matches November or Nov
Feb(ruary)? 23(rd)? // matches Feb 23 or February 23 or February 23rd or Feb 23rd
colou?r // matches color or colour