I'm loading a collection of @products that has continuously changing attributes that I calculate on the fly. I don't want to perform all calculations for all @products on the initial page index. Instead, I only want to perform and display the calculations upon hovering over an image.
I first create the jQuery calls to display a popup box to contain the calculations for each product in products/index.html.erb like this:
The products/index.html.erb
<script type="text/javascript">
<% @products.each do |product| %>
$('#calc_<%= product.id %>').hover(function() {
$('#pid_<%= product.id %>').show()
}, function() {
$('#pid_<%= product.id %>').hide()
<% end %>
<table class='list'>
<%= render :partial => "products/product", :collection => @products %>
My _product.html.erb:
<%= image_tag('/images/info.png', :id => "calc_#{product.id}") %>
<div class='pid_display' id='pid_<%=product.id %>'></div>
My css:
.pid_display {
height: 80px;
width: 200px;
background-color: #eee;
display: none;
padding-top: 8px;
position: absolute;
I'm trying to call the page which performs the calculations on the product.id like this (although I have no idea if this is proper):
jQuery.ajax("products/calculations/<%= product.id %>");
When I attempt to combine the call to the calculations page so it displays the results in the popup box, both fire. In other words, a popup box appears and the logs show that the calculations are executed from the products_controller.
How can I combine these two calls to display the result of the calculations inside the popup box?
Thanks to my friend, Marcus, for pointing me here, http://tech.thereq.com/post/16479390885/loading-page-content-via-ajax-in-rails-3-1. Using the "load" method:
<% @products.each do |product| %>
$('#calc_<%= product.id %>').hover(function() {
$('#pid_<%= product.id %>').show().load('products/calculations/<%= product.id %>');
}, function() {
$('#pid_<%= product.id %>').hide()
<% end %>