I'm using GWT 2.4 and I'm having a problem with setting up scrollbars for my app working correctly. When I'm trying to zoom the page - no scrollbars are now displayed for the whole page.
Currently my app is composed of DockLayoutPanel and is displayed in the following way:
private DockLayoutPanel appContainer = new DockLayoutPanel(Style.Unit.PX);
appContainer.addNorth(bannerSimplePanel, 104);
appContainer.addWest(menuSimplePanel, 200);
appContainer.add(new ScrollPanel(contentSimplePanel));
I want to have scrollbar configured for whole page instead of only "main content" (contentSimplePanel) of the page. I've tried to add scrollbar to the last step:
RootLayoutPanel.get().add(new ScrollBar(appContainer));
but it didn't work. With ScrollBar added for whole appContainer only banner is displayed on my page and the rest is black.
Thanks for any help.
Adding DocklayoutPanel to a ScrollPanel won't work. The inner layout
panel's height and width will be zero.
Have a look on this