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Navigation p:commandButton Primefaces Mobile

In my app if the login is successful in <pm:view id="mobileLogin"> the next view is <pm:view id="mobileTree">. In the mobileTree view I would like a commandButton to call a logout method that would return the String 'pm:mobileTree?reverse=true'. The problem is that this is not working. Any ideas?

My Code:

 <!-- Login View -->
    <pm:view id="mobileLogin">
        <pm:header title="LiteDoc" />

            <h:form id="mobileLoginForm">
                <p:outputPanel id="container">
                    <h:panelGroup rendered="#{not loginManager.loggedIn}" >
                        <p:inputText id="username" value="#{loginManager.username}" />
                        <p:watermark for="username" value="Login" />
                        <p:password id="password" value="#{loginManager.password}" />
                        <p:watermark for="password" value="Senha" />

                        <p:separator />

                        <p:commandButton value="Login" icon="refresh" process="@form" update=":mobileTreeForm" action="#{loginManager.loginMobile}" />

    <!-- Tree View -->
    <pm:view id="mobileTree">
        <pm:header title="LiteDoc">
            <!-- Here's the problem --><p:commandButton value="Go" action="pm:mobileLogin?reverse=true" />

            <h:form id="mobileTreeForm">

                <p:dataList  value="#{cabinetManager.cabinets}" var="cabinet" rendered="#{loginManager.loggedIn}">
                       <h:outputText value="#{}" />



  • The correct way to execute a method in the server and navigate to other pm:view is this

     <p:commandButton value="Text of the button" actionListener="#{youBean.yourLogOutMehod}" action="pm:theViewYouWantToNavigate" update="theViewYouWantToNavigate" />

    Other way that you can navigate in mobile views es is using a header

    <pm:view id="youSourceView">
            <pm:header title="YourTitleView">
                <f:facet name="left"><p:button value="HOME" icon="home" href="#yourHomeViewID?reverse=true"/></f:facet>
                <f:facet name="left"><p:button value="BACKVIEW" icon="back" href="#yourBackViewID?reverse=true"/></f:facet>
               <!-- your content in the view -->

    You could try to log out in you Bean and do a simple redirect to the /loginPage.jsf it will refresh the url and load by default the first pm:view