I am trying to use the eBay sample application(signing redirect) that comes along with the SDK .
I have copied the application to the webapps directory and made the appropriate changes to make it run.
Now I am getting this error.
org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP:
An error occurred at line: 16 in the generated java file
Only a type can be imported. signinredirect.Global resolves to a package
An error occurred at line: 18 in the jsp file: /credentials.jsp
Global cannot be resolved
15: String signInURL = "";
16: String ApiServerUrl = "";
17: String reqError ="";
18: String devId = Global.getProperty("devId");
19: String certId = Global.getProperty("certId");
20: String appId = Global.getProperty("appId");
21: //runame of this sample application
The jsp code:
eBay signin redirection sample with new token fetch flow
<body bgcolor="#ffffff">
<%@ page import="com.ebay.sdk.*" %>
<%@ page import="com.ebay.sdk.call.*" %>
<%@ page import="signinredirect.Global" %>
<%@ page import="java.net.URLEncoder" %>
<%@ page errorPage="errorPage.jsp" %>
String signInURL = "";
String ApiServerUrl = "";
String reqError ="";
String devId = Global.getProperty("devId");
String certId = Global.getProperty("certId");
String appId = Global.getProperty("appId");
//runame of this sample application
String runame = Global.getProperty("runame");
if (request.getParameter("goToSignin") != null ) {
int environment = Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("EnvList"));
if (environment == 1 ) {
// Sandbox
signInURL =Global.getProperty("sandboxSignInUrl");
ApiServerUrl = Global.getProperty("sandboxAPIUrl");
} else if (environment ==2) {
// Production
signInURL = Global.getProperty("ebaySignInUrl");
ApiServerUrl = Global.getProperty("ebayAPIUrl");
//Get the Credentials Information
devId = request.getParameter("DevID");
if(devId.length() == 0 )
throw new SdkException("Please enter developer ID.");
appId = request.getParameter("AppID");
if( appId.length() == 0 )
throw new SdkException("Please enter application ID.");
certId = request.getParameter("CertID");
if( certId.length() == 0 )
throw new SdkException("Please enter certificate ID.");
//Get the runame
runame = request.getParameter("RuName");
if(runame.length() == 0)
throw new SdkException("Please enter runame of the sample application");
ApiContext apiContext = Global.createApiContext(devId, appId, certId, ApiServerUrl );
ApiLogging apiLogging = new ApiLogging();
session.setAttribute("apicontext", apiContext );
GetSessionIDCall api = new GetSessionIDCall(apiContext);
String ruParams="params="+runame +"-"+(environment==1?"Sandbox":"Production");
try {
String sessionID = api.getSessionID();
String encodedSesssionIDString =URLEncoder.encode(sessionID,"UTF-8");
session.setAttribute("sessionID", sessionID);
response.sendRedirect(response.encodeRedirectURL(signInURL + "&RuName=" + runame + "&SessID=" + encodedSesssionIDString + "&ruparams=" + ruParams));
} catch(SdkHTTPException ex) {
reqError = "Call failed: " + ex.getMessage();
} catch(Exception ex) {
reqError = ex.getMessage();
The Java class Global is present. Looks like the import is failing. Can someone tell me what I could have done wrong?
I had to create a new web application project rather than copying the sample app from sdk.