I apologize if this question is too "general"; But my question is very specific to what I am programming and I was not able to find a descent answer anywhere else.
I am creating a "Proof of Concept" program for extra credit in my calc class. Now that the program is finished, I want to make a way to view the coding of the program to show the teacher and explain what I did.
My first thought was to use a JTextPane, but how would that work? I want to find some way to display all the lines of coding, keeping the structure of coding that Java/Eclipse uses.
What is the best way to do this?
use system.out.println and get a free account at https://github.com/ and upload your code and the output of your programs . Send the link to your professor ..I think he will be impressed not only by your work but also by how you are presenting your code to him/her to review it.
good luck, I am already impressed that you are searching online to best present your work for that you deserve an A+ too. keep up the good work.