I've made some a couple of chess engines in Processing (a simplified Java language) and wanted to make one on a website. I'm guessing JavaScript would be the most obvious thing to make it in, but I wanted to know if there are other options before I get into it. I've never made something that processing intensive for web.
I've looked around and it seems like C++ can somehow be made to work with web code but I've never done that and don't know much about it. Is it possible to do the low intensive things like drawing in JavaScript and the move generation in C++? Is there a better option?
Edit: I put Processing (the language) in bold to differentiate it
If you're looking for a cross browser client-side solution, then there is no single cross-browser way to use C++ in your viewer's browser. Cross browser solutions consist of javascript (recommended), java (being phased out on desktops and generally not available on mobile) and Adobe Flash (not available on mobile).
If you want it all client-side, what I would suggest is that you write in client-side javascript and do as much processing as you can in webworkers which are separate threads of execution. Those separate threads can do as much calculation as you want, but need to use messaging to communicate back to the main javascript thread in order to actually modify the DOM or interact with the user.
Or, as a browser web-app, you could keep the chess logic on the server in C++ or whatever server-side language you want to use and use client-side Ajax calls to ask the server to calculate the next move.