I am trying to cross compile Boost library (Thread, System) for PowerPC architecture. I followed the below steps but facing problems.
I run a shell script which sets up my toolchain. The compiler ppc_4xx-g++ is visible at the shell.
Steps followed:
Result: All the directories gets created but compilation fails. I can't attach the error log (Please send me your email so that I can send you the error log if you need). Below is the snapshot of the error log.
Component configuration:
- atomic : not building
- chrono : not building
- context : not building
- date_time : not building
- exception : not building
- filesystem : not building
- graph : not building
- graph_parallel : not building
- iostreams : not building
- locale : not building
- math : not building
- mpi : not building
- program_options : not building
- python : not building
- random : not building
- regex : not building
- serialization : not building
- signals : not building
- system : building
- test : not building
- thread : building
- timer : not building
- wave : not building
...found 20376 targets...
...updating 10110 targets...
common.mkdir BoostPowerPC
common.mkdir BoostPowerPC/lib
common.mkdir BoostPowerPC/boost
common.mkdir BoostPowerPC/boost/bin.v2
common.mkdir BoostPowerPC/boost/bin.v2/libs
common.mkdir BoostPowerPC/boost/bin.v2/libs/system
common.mkdir BoostPowerPC/boost/bin.v2/libs/system/build
common.mkdir BoostPowerPC/boost/bin.v2/libs/system/build/gcc-power
common.mkdir BoostPowerPC/boost/bin.v2/libs/system/build/gcc-power/release
common.mkdir BoostPowerPC/boost/bin.v2/libs/system/build/gcc-power/release/threading-multi
gcc.compile.c++ BoostPowerPC/boost/bin.v2/libs/system/build/gcc-power/release/threading-multi/error_code.o
In file included from ./boost/config/select_stdlib_config.hpp:18,
from ./boost/config.hpp:40,
from ./boost/system/config.hpp:13,
from libs/system/src/error_code.cpp:18:
/opt/ELDK/4.2/ppc_4xx/usr/include/c++/4.2.2/cstddef:50:28: error: bits/c++config.h: No such file or directory
In file included from /opt/ELDK/4.2/ppc_4xx/usr/include/c++/4.2.2/ios:43,
from /opt/ELDK/4.2/ppc_4xx/usr/include/c++/4.2.2/ostream:45,
from /opt/ELDK/4.2/ppc_4xx/usr/include/c++/4.2.2/iterator:70,
from ./boost/iterator.hpp:17,
from ./boost/operators.hpp:86,
from ./boost/system/error_code.hpp:17,
from libs/system/src/error_code.cpp:19:
Its complaining that the file c++config.h is not found. But the file is present in the location /opt/ELDK/4.2/usr/include/c++/4.2.2/powerpc-linux/bits directory
Then I tried to use the tag "include" in the b2 command. But then I get a error that the file cstddef is not found which is present in the directory /opt/ELDK/4.2/usr/include/c++/4.2.2. I think I am over writing the include path.
What do you think is the problem ? Why can't my compiler find the file even if its present ? Any suggestions ?
I used -d+2 and -q options and below is the result.
"ppc_4xx-g++" -ftemplate-depth-128 -O3 -finline-functions -Wno-inline -Wall -pedantic -pthread -fPIC -DBOOST_ALL_NO_LIB=1 -DBOOST_SYSTEM_DYN_LINK=1 -DNDEBUG -I"." -I"/opt/ELDK/4.2/ppc_4xx/usr/include" -c -o "BoostPowerPC/boost/bin.v2/libs/system/build/gcc-power/release/threading-multi/error_code.o" "libs/system/src/error_code.cpp"
Compilation log:
In file included from ./boost/config/select_stdlib_config.hpp:18,
from ./boost/config.hpp:40,
from ./boost/system/config.hpp:13,
from libs/system/src/error_code.cpp:18:
/opt/ELDK/4.2/ppc_4xx/usr/include/c++/4.2.2/cstddef:50:28: error: bits/c++config.h: No such file or directory
As we can see the the higher directory which has the required file is included and visible to the compiler. I even tried using -L command and specify the root directory. It still didn't help.
I checked the compilation options of ppc_4xx-g++ and 2 options interested me
--sysroot=: This is the root directory of all the includes and libraries used by the compiler.
-B : Using this we can add a search path for the compiler.
I tried both and it didn't help. Any suggestions ?
The problem was because of a bug in the compiler. It couldn't recursively search for directories to find the include folders. When I manually provided the additional include path, it rejected it stating redundant include path (since it was in the same directory structure) - Found this by using -v option. Then I created a directory, created a soft link to the directory which had the necessary include files and included this new directory in my include path (Workaround). This worked and I could generate the libraries.
Eg: The include files were present in the directory abc/include/xyz/include which the compiler was not accepting as I had already specified the path abc/include. Hence I created a directory alias and linked it to abc/include/xyz/include. Then I included ./alias as one of the include paths and it worked. This was a known compiler issue which is fixed in later versions, I think in 4.6
PS: The idea was not mine but found a similar post online which helped me.