I am creating a webpage using at least two Raphael charts.
Any help would be greatly appreciated. I hope I have explained the problem appropriately.
<th scope="row">Perl</th>
<th scope="row">C++</th>
<th scope="row">Java</th>
<th scope="row">Objective-C</th>
The problem is in the g.pie.js file
You are doing this:
$("tr").each(function () {
// this loops throught all TR tags in the document, which contains two tables...
values.push(parseInt($("td", this).text(), 10));
labels.push($("th", this).text());
What you "should" be doing is:
var table = $("#holder");
// only select the tr rows that are inside your "holder" div
$("tr", table).each(function () {
values.push(parseInt($("td", this).text(), 10));
labels.push($("th", this).text());
Hope this helps. you were shoving an incorrect dataset into the pie chart.