I'm trying to wrap my head around CGS's. Let E^*
be 'epsilon star', e
be the empty string, and ww^r
be w next to the reverse of w.
I know that building up a CFG to accept E^*
is a simple S -> 0S | 1S | e
A CGG that accepts {ww^r} such that w in E^*
is a simple S –> 0S0 | 1S1 | e
Does that mean a CFG accepting {wxw^r} such that w, x in E^*
is a sort of 'composition' of these two resulting in S –> 0S0 | 1S1 | e | B where B –> 0B | 1B | e
Yes, your grammar is correct!
CFG to {wxw^r} such that w, x in E^*
is S –> 0S0 | 1S1 | e | B where B –> 0B | 1B | e
is correct grammar.
But important is Language {wxw^r} such that w, x in E^*
is Regular Language so it also possible to write Left-Linear and Right-Linear Grammars.
A Right-Liner equivalent Grammar for this language is:
S --> 0B | 1A | ^
B --> 0B | 1B | 0
A --> 0A | 1A | 1
And Left Liner equivalent is:
S --> B0 | A1 | ^
B --> B0 | B1 | 0
A --> A0 | A1 | 1
Its regular expression is:
0(0 + 1)*0 + 1(0 + 1)*1 + ^
A similar language I described here in my answer with DFA.
note: language structure is same but symbol are not, also there is ^
null string is not possible. Also there is +
on ( 0 + 1)
here is *
Additionally, I would also encourage you to view DFA for 0(1 + 0)*0 + 1(1 + 0)*1
. Notice a small change of ^
in RE but DFAs are quite different.