I recently found this nifty snippet on the web - it allows you to bind without having to pass in explicit placeholders:
template <typename ReturnType, typename... Args>
return [=]( Args... args ) -> ReturnType { return (*MemPtr)( args... ); };
This version works great with no args:
auto f1 = easy_bind( (std::string(*)(A&,A&))&Worker::MyFn );
later invoked with:
std::string s = f1( *p_a1, *p_a2 );
Is it possible to modify the code to work with anything up to n args, filling 2-n (in this case) with placeholders? For example, this one should have one placeholder:
auto f2 = easy_bind( (std::string(*)(A&,A&))&Worker::MyFn, *p_a1 );
later invoked with:
std::string s = f2( *p_a2 );
Ultimately, it would nice to have something like this (which inserts no placeholders since it will use up the last one), but I don't think it's workable with this implementation (can't pattern-match the signature, I think):
auto f3 = easy_bind( f2, *p_a2 );
later invoked with:
std::string s = f3();
The bottom line is, it would be nice to have a version of bind where I don't need to put in placeholders - it would be quite useful in generic TMP code.
With the indices trick and the ability to tell std::bind
about your own placeholder types, here's what I came up with:
#include <functional>
#include <type_traits>
#include <utility>
template<int I> struct placeholder{};
namespace std{
template<int I>
struct is_placeholder< ::placeholder<I>> : std::integral_constant<int, I>{};
} // std::
namespace detail{
template<std::size_t... Is, class F, class... Args>
auto easy_bind(indices<Is...>, F const& f, Args&&... args)
-> decltype(std::bind(f, std::forward<Args>(args)..., placeholder<Is + 1>{}...))
return std::bind(f, std::forward<Args>(args)..., placeholder<Is + 1>{}...);
} // detail::
template<class R, class... FArgs, class... Args>
auto easy_bind(std::function<R(FArgs...)> const& f, Args&&... args)
-> decltype(detail::easy_bind(build_indices<sizeof...(FArgs) - sizeof...(Args)>{}, f, std::forward<Args>(args)...))
return detail::easy_bind(build_indices<sizeof...(FArgs) - sizeof...(Args)>{}, f, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
Take note that I require the function argument to easy_bind
to be either of type std::function
, or convertible to it, so that I have a definite signature available.