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How can I do this with a regex pattern?

I am writing a custom TextMate / Sublime Text 2 bundle for 6502 Assembly language.

Anyway, I want to be able to identify constants, variables, etc.

I have this for HEX numbers:


But it doesn't really work for the following:

#14              // works
#$2F             // works
#coolVariable    // doesn't work.  The "#c" is caught and colored but the rest is not.
                 //                In this case, I DON'T want any of it to be colored.

Like the code says, it shouldn't color the #coolVariable but it's grabbing the #c piece of it.

I want to color variables like that separately. What would be the regex to differentiate between the two patterns?

So that:

#c0      //  Caught by one pattern  (values in decimal or hexadecimal or binary)
#%10101  //  Caught by one pattern  (values in decimal or hexadecimal or binary)
#c0BLAH  // Caught by another pattern



  • \#[0-9a-fA-F]+\b

    To mark that the word must end before any other characters are used.