I've been trying to create a map of objects with jsonBuilder for a few hours already with no success. What I want to do is to create such json, so that I can adress my objects like this: someJsonObject.elements.2. Desired JSON looks like this (it's perfectly correct syntax):
"elements": {
"1": {
"id": 1,
"x": 111
"2": {
"id": 2,
"x": 222
"3": {
"id": 3,
"x": 333
Best results so far I got with this code:
builder.elements() {
elementList.each { Element e ->
element( id : e.id, x : e.x )
println "dodano"
But all I get is only one element printed in my json:
"elements": {
"element": {
"id": 3,
"x": 333
If I only could name my objects dynamicly, for instance like this:
builder.elements() {
elementList.each { Element e ->
e.id( id : e.id, x : e.x )
println "dodano"
but it gives me an error: No signature of method: com.webwaver.website.Element.id() is applicable for argument types: (java.util.LinkedHashMap) values: [[id:3, x:748]]
Has anyone got any idea how to get desired json?
EDIT: Thank's for answer. That helps a lot, but since I can't use method call builder.elements() I still have got a problem with creating json, that would look like this:
"data": {
"lastPageNr": 1,
"lastLanguageId": 1,
"lastElementNr": 0,
"websiteId": "nrpntf"
"elements": {
"1": {
"id": 1,
"x": 111
"2": {
"id": 2,
"x": 222
"3": {
"id": 3,
"x": 333
any ideas?
This gives you the output you want:
import groovy.json.*
def builder = new JsonBuilder()
builder.elements {
"1" {
id 1
x 111
"2" {
id 2
x 222
"3" {
id 2
x 222
println builder.toPrettyString()
So what you want for your list based builder is something like:
def elementList = [ [ id: 3, x:748 ], [ id: 4, x:222 ] ]
def builder = new JsonBuilder()
builder.elements {
elementList.each { e ->
"$e.id" {
id e.id
x e.x
println builder.toPrettyString()
def builder = new JsonBuilder()
builder {
data {
lastPageNr 1
lastLanguageId 1
lastElementNr 0
websiteId 'nrpntf'
elements {
elementList.each { e ->
"$e.id" {
id e.id
x e.x
println builder.toPrettyString()