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Is there a better restful interface for this?


where: company-id is mandatory, title is optional name/value can be any filter criteria.

Is there a better way to define the interface?

This API is not supposed to create an employee object. It is for getting an array of employee objects that belongs to a particular company and has a particular title and the other filter criteria.


  • I don't know if there is a better way, because it depends often on the technology you use and its idioms.

    However, here is two different URI designs that I like (and why)

    #1 GET{company-id}?title={title-id}&non-smoker={true|false}&<name1>=<value1>&<name2>=<value2>&<name3>=<value3>
    #2 GET{company-id}/employee?title={title-id}&non-smoker={true|false}&<name1>=<value1>&<name2>=<value2>&<name3>=<value3>

    As you can see in both example I extracted company-id from the query string. I prefer to add mandatory parameters in the path info to distinguish them. Then, in the second URI, the employee ressource is nested in the company. That way you can easily guess that you can retrieve all employee from a specific company, which is not obvious in the first example.