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How to read the Intel Opcode notation

I am reading some material which quotes Intel's vol.2 SDM x86 manual about opcodes and machine-code encoding of assembly instructions, but I cannot understand what things like cw, cd, /2, cp, or /3 mean following the opcode byte.

E8 cw CALL rel16 Call near, relative, displacement relative to next instruction
E8 cd CALL rel32 Call near, relative, displacement relative to next instruction
FF /2 CALL r/m16 Call near, absolute indirect, address given in r/m16
FF /2 CALL r/m32 Call near, absolute indirect, address given in r/m32
9A cd CALL ptr16:16 Call far, absolute, address given in operand
9A cp CALL ptr16:32 Call far, absolute, address given in operand
FF /3 CALL m16:16 Call far, absolute indirect, address given in m16:16
FF /3 CALL m16:32 Call far, absolute indirect, address given in m16:32

Can someone explain what that's about? Does Intel's own manual have a section on how to read their notation? (Spoiler alert: yes, there's an intro chapter in vol.2.)


  • My favorite source is Intel itself: Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer Manuals. And unlike versions past, all of the volumes are now nicely wrapped up in a single (3044 page) PDF.

    It looks like the section that will help you most is in Chapter 3 of Volume 2 (page 432 of the latest PDF as of the date I am writing this).