In Emacs org-mode, is there a command like org-goto-heading?
In a long org-mode file, I have a heading toward the bottom like this:
* questions
I'd like to jump to that heading without having to wade through all the other instances of the word questions
Is there a command like:
Basically I would like to navigate to that heading using something like this: M-x org-goto-heading questions <RET>
Here is an interesting thread from the org mailing list discussing navigation.
Essentially, add this to your init file:
(setq org-goto-interface 'outline-path-completion
org-goto-max-level 10)
And you can jump to heading with the org-goto
command C-c C-j.
You can also use C-u C-c C-w org-refile
by adding this to your
init file:
(setq org-outline-path-complete-in-steps nil)